Baby injured in motor vehicle accident

A car accident was reported between Walvis Bay and Swakopmund yesterday afternoon.

Emergency services rushed to the scene to tend to injuries, where after the patients were transported to Welwitschia Private Hospital and Walvis Bay State Hospital respectively for treatment. One of the injured is a 1 year and 4 month old baby, who is treated for severe injuries in the Welwistchia Private Hospital. By the time of going to print the cause of the accident was still unknown.

In an accident reported on Thursday, a pick-up with 10 occupants lost control after an apparent tyre failure and overturned.

Raymond Eiseb (34) tragically succumbed to his injuries before emergency services arrived and was pronounced dead at the scene. The remaining of the injured occupants were stabilized at the scene of which 4 were reported less serious injuries and 5 were reported as minor injuries, respectively. All the injured were transported to Usakos State Hospital.

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