Cancer Association of Namibia(WO30) interim homes reopen for 2021

Cancer Association of Namibia (WO30) communicates the annual opening of the CHICA INTERIM HOME for CHILD-HOOD CANCER PATIENTS.

Any Namibian childhood cancer patient and one (1) accompanying parent/caregiver from outside Windhoek, who needs to come for treatment in the capital, is accommodated fully complimentary at our home, during the treatment procedure.
*medical requirements apply.
Cancer Association of Namibia (WO30) communicates the annual opening of the HOUSE ACACIA INTERIM HOME for ADULT CANCER PATIENTS –
Namibian adult cancer patients from outside Windhoek, who need to come for treatment or follow-up in the capital, is accommodated at a nominal fee of N$150/day that includes accommodation, 3x meals and transportation during the treatment procedure.
*Patients that are not financially able, are encouraged to apply for “Accommodation Assistance” through our PFAP (see below);
*Medical requirements apply.
The Patient Financial Assistance Programme (PFAP) to support cancer patients is now accepting new applications for the next support cycle.
Families needing support should please engage our Patient Navigators team at or or 061 237740
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