Countdown to the Erongo Business and Tourism Expo 2018

Country’s 3rd largest Expo and this year a wider range of Exhibitors and products

The Erongo Business and Tourism Expo 2018 will maintain its position as the country’s 3rd largest exposition, in terms of exhibitors and visitor numbers.

The event has been organised for 12 years in a row now by the events management division of Expo Studio Namibia, the country’s leading provider of equipment for trade fairs and exhibitions.
Slated for Namibia’s port town of Walvis Bay from Wednesday, 31 October to Saturday, 3 November, the exposition will be a boost to the town’s local economy. Many local enterprises stand to benefit again, as they have over the past years, from this highlight on the town’s annual business calendar.
With the support of the Walvis Bay Municipality the event’s venue is centrally located at the civic centre.
In addition to the Walvis Bay Municipality, the Expo’s partners include Erongo RED, SMEs Compete, Guans Packaging, Namibia Breweries and Coca-Cola.
Due to the anticipated exhibitor and visitor numbers, space utilization will be similar to the 2017 bumper event. The Namib Hall is now fully booked and a mere five stands remain in the Erongo Hall.
Exhibitors include manufacturers, banks, educational institutions, insurers and retailers, a multitude of local SMEs, government ministries and public enterprises. Additionally several diplomatic missions accredited to Namibia.
Even stands in the Sponsor’s Marquee are selling fast, with only 21 still available to exhibitors.
The area allocated for the Motor Show is already fully booked, but to avoid disappointing leading vehicle dealerships that were slow in taking-up space, plans are underway to extend the space, to accommodate late bookings.
As for the outdoor area, 90% of the space has already been allocated to micro enterprises and for a food court, where a variety of traditional food and international cuisine will be on offer.
So what is significantly different this year, in comparison to previous editions of the Erongo Business and Tourism Expo?
There is a wider array of exhibitors offering diverse range of goods and services.
Then a first will be a panel chalet dwelling on display. The firm offering the chalets will be running information sessions, to explain how they are constructed and the material used during the construction process.
The entertainment facet of the Expo has also been beefed-up, especially for the benefit of the older children and for the young-at-heart adults.
∙For routine updates, follow the Erongo Business and Tourism Expo on the new improved website

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