Cyclist hit by vehicle
A cyclist was hit by a vehicle in Swakopmund’s Nelson Mandela Avenue near the Mondesa taxi rank yesterday morning, leading to some traffic disruptions as emergency services had to gain access to the accident scene.
According to Inspec-tor Nghaamwa of the Mondesa charge of-fice, the accident oc-curred around 07:30 during the morning commute. The cyclist was hit by a vehicle be-longing to the Commu-nity Skills Develop-ment Foundation (COSDEF).
The only information that was available by the time of going to press is that the vehicle was driven by a female employee of COSDEF.
The injured cyclist was rushed to the Swakopmund State Hospital. Nghaamwa explained he only got slight injuries and was treated before being discharged released. He is expected to provide a statement to the Swakopmund police this week for the purposes of filing an accident report to the Motor Vehicle Accident Fund (MVAF).
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