Do’s and Don’ts for visitors
It’s that time of the year, when everybody is looking forward to a remarkable festive season at Namibia’s central coastal region.
Unfortunately, holiday activities can have a devastating effect on our environment if we don’t stay within the rules set to protect our natural beauty and biodiversity.
The coastal areas fall within a series of contiguous protected areas, namely the Skeleton Coast Park, the Dorob National Park, the Namib Naukluft Park and the Sperrgebiet National Park. By following all rules and regulations, you are assisting in the conservation of our coast and its biodiversity thus ensuring sustainability.
The Do’s
Familiarise yourself with the Parks’ Rules and Regulations and the regulations related to the harvesting of marine resources.
Adhere to all the municipal By-laws in place.
Obtain a written authorisation from Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) offices for entering or camping in all parks and adhere to the park rules.
In the National Parks, remain on demarcated routes and do not venture into other areas without a qualified guide.
Obey any legal order or instruction given by a Law-enforcement Officers.
Comply with the instructions on signboards, pamphlets or communicated in any manner.
Enjoy the dunes between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay with your 4×4 / quad bike/motorbike in the designated ‘Off-Road Vehicle’ (ORV) area (central and southern part of the dune belt) where a free permit from MET is required.
Inside the ORV areas, stay on the dunes and avoid slip faces, gravel plains and vegetated areas.
In the Dorob National Park: Motocross bikes or quad bikes are ONLY allowed to be driven on the beaches between Swakopmund and Henties Bay, and on proclaimed roads and clearly marked MET tracks and roads.
Obtain your permit for harvesting any Marine Resources from the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR). En-sure to respect bag limits for fish, rock lobster and white mussels.
Ensure that tour operators whether in aircraft, boat or car keep a safe distance from wildlife.
The Don’ts
Do not drive off the road except on demarcated ORV areas– adhere to legal requirements. Off-road driving negatively impacts on the desert gravel plains, the lichen fields, and the breeding birds and destroy the aesthetic beauty of the area. Dune driving is dangerous and were allowed should be undertaken with a professional, qualified guide.
Off-loading of quad bike and motorized bike between Walvis Bay and Swakopmund is only prohibited at designated off-loading areas (the Dune Belt between Langstrand and Walvis Bay).
Vehicles and people on foot are not allowed in closed or exclusionary areas such as the Damara Tern breeding areas, Swakop River, Lichen fields.
No overnight camping is allowed on the beaches or in the dunes without permission from the Ministry of Environment & Tourism (MET).
Do not leave your litter behind – use refuse bins and skips provided or take your rubbish home. That also include discarded fishing line, hooks, bait wrapping, empty bottles and tins.
Do not drive over vegetation–small animals and vegetation are essentials for the desert ecosystem, your tracks will destroy them and leave permanent scars on mudflats.
Do not leave bait or fish on the beach: Either take it home or return it to the sea. Fish and bait left on the beaches attracts scavengers like jackals and gulls that predate on other biodiversity.
Do not feed wildlife – fed wildlife become dependent on “hand-outs” and become aggressive when no food is given to them.
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