Elamba Combined School Proud Recipient of a brand new administration block

The Namibian Ports Authority, through its Social Investment Fund (NSIF) recently handed over an administration block valued at N$740,000 to Elamba Combined School in Tsandi, Omusati Region.

The school, which has been in operation since 1979, is home to 302 learners ranging from Grade 0 to Grade 9. Prior to the assistance from the NSIF, the school used an old dilapidated building as an administration block, built by com-munity members many moons ago.
Speaking at the hand-over, NSIF representative, Mr Elias Mwenyo, reiterated the important role Namport plays, through its Fund, in driving the Government’s agenda of achieving Vision 2030, which is to improve the quality of life of the people of Namibia to the level of their counterparts in the developed world.
Talking to Mr Salomo Shipopyeni, Principal of Elamba Combined School, he said that, “with this donation, we are now able to render superior services to our learners as we now have the needed resources”.
The administration block is fitted with a production room, individual offices for the Head of Department, office for the principal, a counselling room for learners, a staff room as well as ablution facilities for the teachers.
Mr Shipopyeni further thanked Namport and urged the sponsor to continue giving back to the society as they have indeed positively contributed to the school attaining its educational goals. “We are one of the few schools that have this state of the art building within our region and it is all thanks to Namport”, the principal further said.
The Namibian Ports Authority established its Social Investment Fund in 2006 on four pillars namely; Entrepreneurial and Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Development, Health, Education and Environment and it is through these focus areas that the footprints of Namport have been and will continue to be felt throughout the country.
The Fund has thus far invested more than N$25 million in various projects with the majority of the beneficiaries being the education sector. These projects include, but not limited to, the purchasing of 25 desktop computers for Hungua Primary School in Opuwo with a price tag of N$200,840, science kits valued at N$34,000 for Flamingo Secondary School in Walvis Bay, to mention a few.
In the coming weeks, the Fund will hand over school furniture to the Onawa Secondary School in the Omusati region valued at N$163 848 ,as well as in-augurating 2 class-rooms at the Five Rand Primary School in the Otjozondjupa region in the month of March. The classrooms were con-structed at a cost of N$ 300,000.
Namport remains grateful for the opportunity to be able to assist the Namibian nation as resources permit.

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