Erongo Marine Supports The Kunene Child Through Sida Di/goan Project
Erongo Marine Enterprises (EME) contributed N$323 000 towards Operation Sida Di/Goan, a project initiated by Kunene Governor Marius Sheya in 2018 and officially commissioned by President Hage Geingob at Kamanjab on Thursday.
Translated from Khoekhoegowab meaning “Our Children, Our Responsibility”, Operation Sida Di/Goan was born out of the desire to transform the educational landscape of the region, which faces many challenges due to the levels of extreme poverty and vastness of the region. The focus of the project is to repair all broken desks, chairs and beds from various schools in Kunene. Since the launch of Ope-ration Sida Di/Goan, 420 broken beds, 3 864 broken desks and 5 473 broken chairs were collected. With the assistance of seven intern students from the Namibian Institute of Mining and Technology (NIMT) and ten unemployed youth volunteers from Kamanjab, 216 beds, 2 000 desks and 2 000 chairs have been fixed to date. These will be distributed to schools throughout the Kunene Region, together with donations from the public and private sector.
Through the Arechanab Community Trust, EME donated N$253 000 to the project through the Fish Consumption Promotion Trust (NFCPT) to purchase 1 387 new school mattresses at a total cost of N$478 000. EME also contributed N$70 000 in the form of canned fish and maize meal.
Praising the Kunene Governor for this initiative, President Geingob noted that it is a significant step towards solving the education related problems in Namibia’s rural areas. “Instead of complaining about problems, stakeholders have come together to identify solutions that can help to mitigate some of the challenges facing our schools and learners. I also commend all stake-holders who have heeded the Governor’s clarion call to aid and support this project.” President Geingob said.
In a statement EME Managing Director Dr Martha Uumati congratulated Governor Sheya on his unique and visionary initiative. Said Uumati: “True to our motto to ’empower, equip and trans-form’, it is an honour and privilege for Erongo Marine Enterprises to be associated with Operation Sida Di/Goan and know that our contribution will make a difference in the learning environment of the children of this region.”
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