Erongo RED commissions hi-tech Walvis Bay intake-substation

Bulk electricity supply to Walvis Bay now of a world class standard

Regional electricty distributing company, Erongo RED commissioned its new intake-substation at Walvis Bay on Friday, a project described proudly by the company as the “biggest project to date”.

The new intake-substation is a state of the art facility that was manufactured by ABB in the Czech Republic at a price tag of N$270 million. Described as the hub of electricity distribution in Walvis Bay, the intake substation is fed by Nampower’s two transmission lines from the Walmund substation. Nampower completed these two transmission lines as part of its bulk infrastructure to Walvis Bay at a price tag of N$300 million and given the hi-tech intake-substation Walvis Bay boasts an N-1 network. N-1 means if one transmission line is down, Walvis Bay can still be fed by the other line with adequate supply capability to supply Walvis Bay’s increasing power demand.
Initial planning for the substation commenced in 2012, when Erongo RED and NamPower identified the urgent need to upgrade electricity supply capacity to Walvis Bay.
Electricity supply is the key driver of economic growth. Walvis Bay’s growing industries need electricity capacity and security of supply, said Erongo RED CEO Fessor Mbango on Friday at the inauguration.
Also attending the event as guests of honour were the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Mines and Energy Simeon Negumboand the Chairperson of the Erongo RED Board of Directors, Mr. Tobias Nambala.

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