Fisheries training

Fisheries observers, fisheries inspectors and employees of Lüderitz Mariculture recently attended a workshop at Lüderitz which equipped them with practical and theoretical knowledge in the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries. The training was a joint initiative by the Albatross Task Force (ATF) and Fisheries Observer Agency. A total of seventeen people attended the workshop which covered topics such as food webs, bycatch, fisheries management and law compliance- and enforcement. There is a critical need for the collective management and preservation of fisheries resources, not only with current objectives in mind but to preserve these resources of the planet for future generations. The course was facilitated by Mr. Titus Shaanika and Ms. Samantha Matjila of the ATF and Mr. Stanley Ndara, the CEO of the Fisheries Observer Agency. After the conclusion of the course a “training of trainers” or “TOT” took place with a smaller group of participants to ensure there is an institutional memory of knowledge available to carry the knowledge forward to current and future workers of the FAO, Ministry of Fisheries and Lüderitz Mariculture. On the picture: The training team and participants.

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