FNB Betterball Stableford at Rossmund
On Saturday 10 August 40 golfers played some of their best golf at the annual First National Bank (FNB) Betterball Stableford Competition at Rossmund Golf Course.
Stuart Salt outdid himself by shooting a “Hole in One” on Number 7. 2-clubs went to Stanley Gawanab, Lesley Stevens and Stuart Salt – wow Stuart your eye was really in.
A 3-way count out on 48 points was needed to determine the winners.
The results on the day were Stanley Gawanab and Bradley Gawanabin the first place with 48 points, Gary Knight and Stuart Salt second on 48 points, in third place was Justine Shikulo and Helmut Ndjendja 48 points and Michael Tordesillas and Bruno Romero fourth on 45 points. It was a fantastic day of brilliant golf and a great sponsor.
It was time to burn out some I Tyres on Wednesday 7 August with a good field of players including Christopher Durant and as always lots of buzz in the clubhouse. The Nearest to the Pin on Number 7 was won by Chris Wood.
Bruce Burns had the longest day at the office whilst Likuis Nande took home the 9-hole prize with a well-played 20 points over the front. Our 18-hole winner with an outstanding 45 points was Dougie Smith. He came into the clubhouse looking quite shell shocked and battled to explain how it had happened. Gert seems to think that this is a record for Rossmund. Let us know if you beg to differ; in Second place was Warren Theron with 39 points. Christopher awarded a special prize to Fritz Coetzee (a hot gin!!!!) for the worst round of his career. Well played to all and a big thank you to the sponsor.
Match – play Competition – well only the finals to go – great stuff guys as we managed to keep everything on schedule this time around.
Scorecards – The committee are being faced with many incomplete scorecards and this makes it difficult to check that scores are being entered correctly. The request is that each and every one of the golfers to ensure that your scorecards are completed in full before they are signed.
August Competitions:-
Saturday 17 August – Destination Swakopmund Betterball
16/17 August – International Pairs Final – Omeya and Windhoek
Sunday 18 August – will be SAGES sponsored by Swakop Service Station – Engen- Bernadine & Michael.
Wednesday 21 August sponsored by Williams & Knight Insurance Brokers
23/24 August – Windhoek Lager Africa Jacket Final – Omeya and Windhoek
Saturday 31 August – Dulux Final – Omeya.
Thought for the week – “You can airmail the golf ball – but sometimes you don’t put the right address on it “.
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