Forty-eight Pork bushes planted in four Walvis Bay parks by CMA CGM #PlantingForPlanet initiative
Eileen van der Schyff
French container transportation and shipping company, Compagnie Maritime d’Affrètement (CMA) and Compagnie Générale Maritime (CGM) Namibia, in collaboration with the Walvis Bay Municipality identified four parks in Walvis Bay for their quarterly tree planting project where 48 Pork bushes were planted on 13 November.
This project is in line with the CMA CGM Group’s global reforestation initiative. The initiative, #PlantingForPlanet aims to plant 110 000 trees for each of the group’s 110 000 staff members throughout 12 countries.
With the assistance of the Walvis Bay Municipality’s Parks and Cemeteries Supervisor, Lucky Shipanga and team leaders, Immaculata Kauzuu, Jason Haitembu and Stepahnie Ndelvelo, the local CMA CGM team planted 48 Pork bushes (also known as elephant bush, dwarf jade plant, purslane tree and spekboom in Afrikaans).
“We chose the Spekboom, because of its resilience and ability to adapt to the environment, a very important consideration with Walvis Bay’s climate. With a lifespan of up to 200 Years and being such adept carbon sequestrators – a succulent that helps fight air pollution. Essentially, it acts as a carbon sponge, absorbing carbon from the atmosphere and turning it into plant matter.”
It has the ability to ‘sequester’ or capture four to ten tons of carbon per hectare!
The CMA CGM Group is resolutely committed to continued sustainable development and to the preservation of the natural environment within our local communities.
CMA CGM Namibia would like to thank the Walvis Bay Municipal staff for their time and assistance.
“Not only did we have a productive morning but a very enjoyable one too!”
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