Free education does not mean parents have no responsibilities

Free education for your children does not mean you as parent have no responsibilities towards the education of your child or children. This was said in Henties Bay on Friday by the Minister of Education, Arts and Culture, Katrina Hanse-Himarwa during a visit to the Kamwandi Junior Secondary School (JSS).

Free education was introduced in 2015 for primary schools and in 2016 for secondary education in Government schools, excusing parents and guardians from mandatory financial contributions to these public schools as well as exam fees to the ministry.
The aim was to reduce the financial burden on parents who otherwise cannot afford school fees. In many instances this led to children leaving school.
In her address Hanse-Himarwa emphasized free education was not implemented as an excuse to spend the intended money on other things and that parents should contribute as best they can.
Hanse-Himarwa visited the school to officiate a handover from the Michael Skini Charity Cup to the school. The organisation received several pledges during their annual gala dinner of which the school benefitted U$100 to repair windows by Patron Abner Axel Xoagub; five computers by the owner of New Point E-Solutions, Mr Maboss Ortmann; a printer by National Youth Service Director, Mr Humphries Mutumba; full kit school uniforms for five most vulnerable learners and netball full kits set by Jaliza Music Production. The minister, along with other policitians present at the event, continued to pledge N$6 000 toward the renovation of the school’s roof.

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