Gideon “The Amphibian Namibian” feels thankful

Rudi Bowe

Radio Electronic (Pty) Ltd in Walvis Bay, the Authorised Garmin agent in Namibia, donated a Garmin Forerunner 745 wrist watch to Gideon “The Amphibian Namibian” Nasilowski, a Namibian ex-Paralympian swimmer.

The Garmin Forerunner 745 watch will help the Amphibian and his team to track his distance swimming, time tracking, calories burnt, and much more as he is busy to prepare for the next mission.

Connecting People to People is helping The Amphibian Namibian in his challenge to swim the 7.5km from Robben Island to Cape Town to create awareness for disability in Namibia and the world, as well as gather funds in support of future Namibian Paralympics athletes.

Gideon is a strong-willed person who sees his dis-ability as an ability to motivate other athletes to take on challenges they thought impossible.

The Former Paralympic swimmer believes that his disability should not prevent him from reach-ing new goals but should actually inspire him to reach out and break the boundaries of perceived possibilities.

“The Amphibian Namibian” said “Believe in yourself and know that God wants you to inspire other people. Everybody can be a leader; you just need to reach inside yourself, make the decision and take the first step. Find out where you can join a sports team through the Namibia Paralympic Committee or contact me for advice.”

Nasilowski said, “What really stands out for me is that Radio Electronic is a Namibian Company that sponsors a Namibian athlete with disability. I would like to see other Namibian companies come on board and help Namibian athletes with disabilities.”

The Amphibian Nami-bian thanked Radio Electronic in Walvis Bay and Garmin Namibia for the sponsorship and he appreciates the wonderful watch that will help them tremendously with their preparation for the challenge.

The Financial Manager of Radio Electronic in Walvis Bay, Harms Scharder said the sponsorship is great opportunities to help a Namibian athlete with dis-ability that will make his mark in the world.

Scharder said “It is an honor for Radio Electronic in Walvis Bay to sponsor you as an athlete and we are looking for-ward to your progress in your mission in South Africa.

“We at Radio Electronic in Walvis Bay are behind you and your team and we wish you all the best” Siad Scharder.

Buttons Heyns from Connecting People to People said “We are looking forward to this great partnership with Radio Electronic in Walvis Bay and Garmin Namibia in preparation for the Robben Island to Cape Town swim.

Ulla Finkelday thanked Radio Electronic in Wal-vis Bay for coming on board and sponsoring their athletes and hope that the partnership will go a long way.

Finkelday said, “My biggest dream and wish is that The Dome stands for Sports Excellence in Namibia.”

Heyns said, “We are thankful for the watch and I am sure that it will be of great help for the Amphibian.”

In the meantime, Radio Electronic in Walvis Bay, the Authorised Garmin Agent in Namibia has announced and warmly welcomes, The Dome as their newest Garmin Reseller in Swakopmund.

The Dome Namibia specifically focuses on the Garmin Fitness and Wellness range and stocks a huge variety of the latest Garmin Smart watches. Pay them a visit to The Dome in Swakopmund.

For more Information on Garmin Products or Cable & Satellite requirements, just Contact Harms at Radio Electronic in Walvis Bay or The Dome in Swakopmund and they will surely be able to assist you.

If you would like to support this newest challenge of the Amphibian Namibian, please contact Buttons Heyns at or Oliver Ahrens at or Dave Hammond at dave@

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