Kids Haven received

Round Table Walvis Bay donated blackest and food to the value of N$-12000 Kids Haven in Walvis Bay as part of their National Winter Knights project hosted by Round Table Namibia.
Kids Haven was founded about ten years ago by Maureen Baard as a place of safe keeping for the marginalised and needy children in the Walvis Bay communities. Round Table is part of the Haven for the past ten years.
Ms. Baard said that there are only 25 kids with an age group between one and four months up to the age of 21 at the haven. They would like to take in more kids, but due to the financial constrain in the haven it is not possible.
Ms Baard mentioned that the Kids Haven is for the community and therefore plea to the community of the harbour town to also help the Haven. One of their kids finished grade 12 and are know a student at the Namibia University of Science and Technology in Windhoek.
“As this kid doesn’t have a bursary or any other means to pay for his studies, we at the Haven would like to ask for any company or person to help Enzo” Baard said.
Baard thanked Round Table and the community for their help and hope that they will go on to support the Round Table and marginalised and needy children of Walvis Bay and if there is a Good Samaritan that would like to assist Kids Haven they can contact her at 0812218081.
The Convener of the Round Table Walvis Bay Winter Knights Leigh Westerdale said “A massive thank you to all the sponsors and the community for their help with the project”.
He mentioned that at the corner of Sam Nujoma Ave and 10th road opposite the Engen Service Station is a Big Round Table Bin where the community can still drop their donations in the form of Blankets and Clothes for the needy.

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