KüSKA is Here!!
namib times 19 June 2015
From tonight, until next Saturday, 27 June, Swakopmund will be “ruled” by the outgoing Royals of the “Swakopmunder Karneval”, better known as the KüSKA, Prinz Horst der 3te, Dee Stein-Reiche and Prinzessin Verena the First with the 11 dwarfs, and by the new ‘Prinzenpaar’.
The ‘key’ will be han-ded over in a symbolic gesture, at the Prinzenball tonight. The reigning Royal couple will then also say goodbye, and the new Prince and Princess will be crowned.
The Swakompunder Karneval celebrates its 30th year this year, under the theme: ”30 Jahre Küska mit der Swakopmunder Mafia.”
Ticket sales started in May at the Narrenwecker, and have been going very well.
According to the orga-
nisers, the International Evening is sold out, but a few tickets for the Mixed Evening and the German Büttenabend are still available.
One of the organisers, Joachim von Wieters-
heim, has explained to namib times that the key will be ‘handed back’ to the town council on Saturday 27 June, at the procession, or Strassenumzug, as it’s called.
Von Wietersheim says everybody should be reminded that those who plan to attend the Maskenball – should be dressed accordingly – the dress code is Strictly Fancy Dress!
So, no costume, no entry…
One of the main events of the Swakopmunder Karneval is the kids carnival, the Küskika, tomorrow from 14:00 at the Haus der Jugend.
The programme will start at around 15:00 and for children in fancy dress entry will be free – those without a costume will pay N$20, and parents and other adults will have to fork out N$40 to attend.
The new Junior Prince and Princess will be crowned at this event.
It is clear that a lot of fun awaits everybody at the coast the coming week, and that it will start on a very high note tonight!
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