MoHSS gets free land for hospital
The Swakopmund Town Council has reviewed a decision taken in 2016 and will donate a huge piece of land, measuring about 20 hectares, to the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS) for the construction of a “Regional Referral Hospital.” This was revealed during the recent Town Council meeting.
The initial application for the construction of a new Regional Referral Hospital in Swakopmund dates back to 2015. During the Council meeting in November 2015 it was decided that two portions of land will be sold to the ministry for the intended purpose. One erf will measure about 20 hectares and will house the new hospital while a second erf, measuring just more than 7000 m², will be sold for the expansion of the Tamariskia Clinic. The purchase price for both pieces would be determined based on the average of three valuations.
During 2016 Dr Andreas Mwoombola, the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry, requested Council to “avail the land at no cost to MoHSS to fulfil its mandate.” During the meeting in June 2016 Council turned down this application and decided that the erf will instead be sold. Regarding the above a meeting was held on 2 August 2016 with the Office of the Governor, Office of the Mayor and the acting Chief Executive Officer of Swakopmund.
In the Agenda of the first Council meeting for 2017, it states that at the meeting it was decided that the Swakopmund Council gives the required piece of land to the Ministry free of charge. The central government will be responsible for the construction of services to the site though. The proposed site is reported to be outside of Swakopmund “proper” as there is no suitable land – of that size – located within the serviced area.
While Council decided to donate land for the construction of a regional referral hospital, the required property for the expansion of the Tamariskia Clinic will still need to be bought. Council decided to determine the purchase price based on valuations.
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