Namibian population could be 3,5m by 2030

Namibia’s population demographics is undergoing a drastic transition. The population is expected to grow from 2,2 million people (2016) to 3.5 million by 2030, according to the Namibia Ports Authority’s chief executive officer Mr. Bisey /Uirab.

/Uirab added this anticipated population growth will create many steep challenges for the country which Government alone cannot prevent through imparatives like Vision 2030, NDP5 and Harambee Prosperity Plan. /Uirab underpinned stakeholder involvement from non-Governmental quarters is critical to assist to mitigate the challenges we face by 2030.
Mr. /Uirab made these remarks on Tuesday at the 10th anniversary celebration of the Namport Social Investment Fund (NSIF), one of the flagship examples in Namibia of stakeholder involvement.
Education is one of four focus areas of the NSIF and on the subject /Uirab said education is one of the sectors that faces challenges as a result of rapid population growth.
“With rapid growth come varied challenges that are quite evident among others within the Education sector, where we see shortages of classrooms, over-crowding at certain institutions, lack of proper water and sanitation facilities, scarcity of modern and/or adequate teaching instruments as well as teaching personnel”.
For this reason the NFIS concentrates on contributions to alleviate pressure on Government to deliver an education service on its own. This include donations of computers, additional classrooms and other resources for education on a continuous basis.
Other focus areas of the NFIS are: entrepreneurial and SME development; primary health care projects and environmental stewardship.

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