NBS coming to Swakopmund and Ongwediva
The Namibia Business School (NBS) at the University of Namibia (Unam) is announcing the opening of two regional centres in June 2019:
The Director of NBS, Professor Grafton Whyte commented that this move is in direct response to demands from business and student candidates to have courses available closer to important client communities. Business is not only taking place in Windhoek, but also in other parts of the country and businesses can-not afford to give employees time-off to attend classes in the capital, nor do students want to incur all these travel costs. So NBS is bringing its services to the regions.
The need for business and management education has never been greater says Professor Whyte, in times of recession when resources are limited the opportunity for interpersonal friction, poor management and dishonest practice multiply as managers focus on competing for a larger share of the limited resources rat-her than focus on creating new resources. This is what some commentators contrast as the servant mindset versus the entrepreneurial mindset. High quality business and management education teaches us how to manage in difficult times by using existing resources efficiently and creating new resources to grow the economy.
Social media and news feeds on the internet are constantly reminding us of the problems that poor management can cause just look at Trumpism in the US and Brexit in the UK as two examples which illustrate that good intentions is not a management competency, but rather we need managers with know-how and skills to help develop the Namibian economy and make the work-place a better place to be in.
NBS will be hosting an open-evening in Swakopmund at the COSDEF Arts & Crafts Centre on 4 April at 6pm or call Ms Michelle Bakker 081 688 6295, or email info@nbs. edu.na and in, Ongwediva at the Unam Engineering Jose Eduardo do Santos Campus on 11 April at 6pm or call Ms Melinda Christiaan on 065-2324002, or email mchristiaan@ unam.na
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