NIMT employees still await their salaries

Rudi Bowe

About 220 employees of the Namibian Institute of Mining and Technology (NIMT) are still waiting for their outstanding 30% of their salaries for November and December 2020.

According to a reliable source at NIMT, the institution has been marred with controversy since last year. The company only managed to pay 70% of their November 2020 salaries while their December 2020 salaries are still outstanding.
The acting Chief Executive Officer of NIMT, Ralph Bussel, informed employees via an internal memo that they could only pay the 70% of their November 2020 salaries, while the remaining 30% will be paid as soon as possible.
In the memo dated 26 November 2020, Bussel sincerely apologised for the inconvenience caused. The employees at NIMT said up to date none of them received their outstanding 30% for November 2020 and are still waiting for their December 2020 salaries.
According to the employees no communications were issued to them with regard to the December 2020 salaries, although they have been enquiring about it on a daily basis.
“Our salaries are delayed by 10 days which leave some employees stranded as they do not have money to get back to work on 18 January 2020.” Said one employee.
The employees are worried and questions who will be carrying banking fees and other costs accumulated, as a result of non-payments. These employees say they did not even have a letter to take to their financial institutions and landlords explaining their situation.
These employees are requesting the Ministry of Higher Education to intervene in the situation and bring NIMT to order.
According to the Deputy Executive Director of the Ministry of Higher Education, Raimo Naanda, the ministry is aware of the situation and is working on it.

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