NiMT – Shooter resumes bail application

The alleged NiMT-shooter, Ernst Lichtenstrasser’s bail application hearing resumes on Monday in the Swakopmund magistrate’s court. Lichtenstrasser (pictured some weeks ago when he first applied for bail) faces two counts of murder, after he allegedly gunned down NiMT Director Eckhart Mueller and Deputy Director Heimo Hellweig early on the morning of 15 April this year when they arrived for work at the Institute’s head office at Arandis.
Lichtenstrasser made a confession of the murders to the Police shortly after his arrest, but he made an about turn and now argues he was unfairly put under pressure by the investigation team into making this confession.
Namibia’s Deputy Prosecutor-General Advocate Antonia Verhoef represents the State and opposes Licthenstrasser’s bail.

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