Petition calling for investigation of past land deals at the Municipality of Walvis Bay


  1. At the last Erongo Regional Council Ordinary meeting we refused to adopt the Walvis Bay municipality’s audited annual financial statements for the financial year ending 30 June 2018 due to an estimated N$24 million missing for the Massive Land Service Project.
  2. On the 5th of September 2020 the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) published a news article in which the CEO of the Walvis Bay Municipality. Muronga Haingura claimed that the missing millions were in a suspense account and that they were busy reconciling the funds, which according to him was very easy to trace.
  3. On the 7th of September 2020 Eagle FM published a news article in which the Mayor Wilfried Immanuel claimed that a meeting will be held to provide clarity on the missing millions.
  4. We have additionally taken note of your reckless statements in the Windhoek Observer yesterday in relation to alleged banking errors.
  5. Till date our office didn’t receive any official correspondence of feedback from the Chairperson of the Erongo Regional Council, the CEO of Walvis Bay Municipality or the Mayor of Walvis Bay despite the existence of a resolution taken at the last Erongo Regional Council meeting in this regard and multiple letters written to both the CEO and the Mayor.\
  6. On the 3rd of November 2020, a dubious recon sheet was sent to my office by the Property Manager of the Walvis Bay Municipality. Jack Manale for reason not yet clear to me till date as no write up or motivation accompanied the sheet. (see annexure 1)
  7. Flabbergasting enough, the recon sheet left me with more questions than answers as it raised a whole lot of red flags just by browsing through it and has the potential to open a can of worms when compared to the primary recon as received in August 2020. (see annexure 2)
  8. The Auditor General’s report adversely states, there is no acceptable reporting framework in place at the Municipality, which makes fraud and corruption very easy.
  9. We have it on record that millions linked to over 40 register houses due to the Municipality of Walvis Bay are missing and unaccounted for by relevant departments within the Municipality.
  10. We have it on record that the Municipality of Walvis Bay has spent close to N$4.2 million to pay a security company to guard over 80 empty houses linked to the Massive Urban Land Servicing project.
  11. We demand that the Municipality stop mistreating public funds.
  12. We demand that the launch an independent forensic audit immediately and a conclusive investigation covering all alleged corruption within the Municipality related to the Massive Urban Land Servicing project and other related matters that the residents have been raising over the years.
  13. We demand that the responsible parties within the Municipality by internally charged and removed from their positions with immediate effect.
  14. We demand that all Municipality agreements especially related to land and housing deals over the past years be made public and easily accessible to all residents, to improve service delivery and fight corruption ibn our Municipality.
  15. We demand that the Municipality be people cantered, corrupt free and accessible directed towards creation of jobs and provisions of quality services to all our residents.
  16. We demand that the Municipality abolish the usage of consultants and contractors to perform basic functions of the Municipality such as repairing of our terrible roads.
  17. We urge everyone with relevant information here to come forward and assist us in the name of transparency y and to clean our Municipality.


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