Pro-Ed Old Boys host cricket tournament
Rudi Bowe
Seven teams participated in the first ever Pro-Ed Old Boys Cricket Clubs 6-a-side cricket tournament on Saturday, 22 May in Swakopmund.
The two rookie teams, Wild Dogs from Swakop-mund and Azam Cricket club from Windhoek contested the final that was won by the home team. The day, with some high-quality cricket was a huge success.
The organiser of the tournament, Ruan Oosthuizen said that the tournament was held to generate funds and also as an awareness campaign for the newly established Pro-Ed Old Boys cricket club that will participate in the 2021/2022 coastal cricket league.
“The cricket was of a very high quality. There were many 4s and many 6s hit. I definitely think coastal cricket is up to standard with inland cricket”, Oosthuizen said.
Both teams walked away with a cash prize.
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