Public has till 25 November to hand in unlicensed firearms and ammunition without having to fear prosecution

The regional command of the Namibian Police in Erongo this week called upon and encouraged all inhabitants of the Region to make use of the amnesty period to hand in unlicensed firearms and ammunition at the station commander of their nearest police station, without having to fear prosecution.
The amnesty period commenced on 25 August 2016 and ends at midnight on 25 November. In terms of this amnesty (Government Notice 196) by the Minister of Safety and Security no person will be prosecuted who surrenders any illegally possessed firearms and ammunition within the period 25 August 2016 to 25 November 2016.
The amnesty period has been announced to provide people the opportunity to get rid of illegal weapons and ammunitions without fear and to prevent these weapons and ammunition dumped where it could be found and used for illegal purposes like murder and robbery or where it could pose a danger to children if found and played with.
Many Namibians continue to possess unlicensed firearms and ammunition, many originating from the armed conflict prior to Independence. Fearing prosecution people don’t hand in these weapons, whilst others continue to defy the law despite hefty penalties imposed if caught with unlicensed fire-arms.
The amnesty period is an opportunity to encourage members of the public to voluntarily surrender unlicensed weapons in accordance with the law. For further clarity community members are advised to contact Detective Warrant Officer Julia Nuyoma at 081 270 7812 or Sergeant Ileni Shapumba at 081 297 7798 or 064 219011 or their local police station commander.

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