Salt pans enclosed with fence to keep out vandals and thieves

Vandalism, theft of equipment and rubbish dumping are the reasons The Salt Company had to fence off its mining area at Mile 8. The fence prevents vehicle access to a large beach area, but people like substance fishermen can still access the area by bicycle or on foot.

Since the fence came up, many Swakopmund residents put questions to the Namib Times. Everyone wanted to know why the fence was erected. The newspaper conducted a snap investigation.
“We had little choice given the circumstances of theft, vandalism and people dumping their rubbish and leaving rubbish on the beach after outings there”, explained the Managing Director of the Swakopmund Salt Company this week. Adding the fence is part of the salt mining company’s access control, one of the conditions of the mining license and environmental clearance that was compulsory to obtain such license. The fence’s main purpose is to prohibit vehicle access to the area, reiterated Klein.

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