Swakopmund Primary will soon have a netball court

The Swakopmund Primary School (SPS) will soon own a netball court on their school premises. On Thursday, 15 December delivery trucks belonging to Refuse Solutions were at the school delivering 22 000 interlocking bricks which will be used to get the surface of the netball court in order.

The school started the initiative of collecting money for the netball a few months ago and their efforts have produced good results. Since the beginning of this project, Mrs. Annemarie Basson Mater the project co-ordinator and teacher at SPS says Refuse Solution have given her a good offer “they said we could pay them little by little until we have settled out debts. So from that day onwards, we have been receiving help from different sponsors who would like to see the school prosper. Mater said some of the people who have helped SPS and helped to make this dream come true are The Tug Restaurant, Bits and Pizzas, Ms Smith, Mr Herbert Schubert, Nico Kotze and many more.
“About two weeks ago we were sitting, looking at our school development fund and that’s when we realised that our sports need more attention, mostly in schools, sports die with the end of the sports semester and we do not want that for our school and the learners. We want to build an environment where children can play sport throughout the year without lacking anything” said the Principal of SPS Mr. Ebenester Tjomuinjo. He further said he was very grateful for everyone who have contributed to this particular project and for those who have throughout the year helped feed the needy, especially the children from DRC who usually go to school without lunch boxes.
On Thursday, Mater and Tjomuinjo, on behalf of the school received N$5000 from Nico Kotze and the 22 000 bricks from Refuse Solutions. The money will be used to pay the maintenance guy who will be making sure that the netball court is built before the school opens, because they want to surprise the learners when they return for the next school year.

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