Tourist lauds honesty of Sheet Street workers

Sheet Street Swakopmund have the most honest and loyal employees of them all says foreign visitor called Pam who lost her iPad in Sheet Street about a week ago.

According to the Store Manager who identified herself as Lucy, two ladies came into Sheet Street on the morning of the incident and after they left she saw what seems like a diary on the counter “I decided to take the diary and to hold on to it until the owner comes back for it. A few minutes later I was tempted to open this diary to see who it belongs to so I opened it just to discover that it was a very expensive iPad. I asked my colleagues if they had seen who had left the iPad there, but nobody seems to remember anything so I told my colleagues I will hold on to it and if nobody comes back for it by the end of the day I will go to MTC to trace the owner” said the cheerful Lucy.
That afternoon, just when Lucy was on her way to MTC, she met two ladies at the entrance of Sheet Street and she remembered that they have been in the shop earlier that morning and the first thing Pam said, “have you seen my iPad? I think I left it here.”
Lucy told Pam that she was on her way to MTC to trace the owner and handed her the iPad. According to Lucy, Pam was so excited to have her phone back.
Pam left them a thank you card which reads as follows: P.S. As a visitor to your beautiful country, I would have been devastated by the loss of my iPad and you guys turned what could have been a disaster into a celebration of honesty, friendliness and goodwill. You are the best for sure. Dear manager and staff of Sheet Street, thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you did to help me get my iPad back when I left it in your store. Your honesty, the time and the trouble you took to try and find me was very much appreciated, sincere thanks and all the best, Pam.
What the three ladies from Sheet Street did was a sign of goodwill and was done out of pure love. Namibia would have been an extra ordinary country if everyone else could do the same thing.

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