Trade Deputy Minister visits Erongo amidst devastated business climate

Sharlien Tjambari

The Deputy Minister of Industrialisation Trade and SME Development Verna Sinimbo is in Erongo to familiariseherself with the state of affairs with the region’s various business communities, following the devastating Covid-19 lockdowns and restrictions which gave the Region’s business climate a devastating blow.

The Minister in an interview with the Namib Times said the fact-finding mission is to equip her with knowledge and understanding for future de-cision making. “I am here to understand what is happening on the ground. For me to make decisions, I need to understand the SME’s, how they are doing and what they are doing”.

Sinimbo further said she understands it was not easy for all SME’s, especially during this pan-demic. What is encouraging is these SME’s are trying to revive their businesses, and it is now more important than ever for the public and other businesses to support SME’s.

“The quality of products is good, and it is everybody’s duty to ensure these small businesses have a market out there”.

Sinimbo among others visited Karakulia Wea-vers, African Leather Creations and Nam-choice Bed Linen Manufacturesat the Swakara Park in Swakopmund yesterday, as part of her mission on Thursday morning.

A Director of Karakulia Weavers, Moses Helao, told Sinimboduring the visit the Covid-19 lockdowns devastated the business. Karakulia Weavers is dependent on tourism and the lockdowns devastated the tourism industry. The situation remains critical, as the tourism flows have not yet recovered. Helao expressed deep concern over the survi-val of Namibia’s tourism industry if the situation does not change within the next three months.

Sinimbo also visited the Swakopmund Indus-trial Park.

The Minister’s visit coincided with the launch of the “Buy Local Campaign” in Swakopmund on Wednesday (28 October ).


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