Truck in Usakos falls on side – diesel spill cleaned up

A truck carrying about 27 tons of building material fell on its side in the main road of Usakos on Tuesday afternoon. According to Francois Cronje Pitbull Tow-In, the truck fell on its side while turning from the mainroad left onto the road leading out of town to the B2 highway. “We worked until about 12:00 to clean up the scene,” he said. According to him a large amount of diesel spilled from the truck onto the road. While the truck and its flatbed trailer were in the meantime removed from the scene, the heavy container was left behind until a crane was sent to lift it. This is the first time since the arrestor bed on the outskirts of Usakos has been constructed that a truck fell on its side in the town. Usakos is prone to similar incidents due to the steep downhill slope leading to town when entering from the coast. Photo by West Coast Safety Initiative

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