Urgent need for a Neighbourhood Watch in Swakopmund’s Tulinawa
Sharlien Tjambari
Crime rates are soaring in Mondesa’s Tulinawa- and Oletweni quarters. So much so that the Namibian Police over the weekend called upon residents to get a neighbourhood watch going in the area. This call comes only days after two tourists were stabbed in separate armed robberies in Swakopmund’s tourism district.
The call for a neighbourhood watch was made over the weekend during a public meeting be-tween residents of the area and a delegation of the Namibian Police at Swakopmund.
A total of 34 criminal cases were reported at the Mondesa charge office for August. Of these five were house break-ins.
In July a total of 91 cases were reported of which 16 were house break-ins.
Another crime, according to the Police during the public meeting, is theft under false pretense.
Constable Kaujova, the Community Liaison Officer of Nampol at Swakopmund, during the meeting explained community members are misrepresenting themselves in order to get money from others.
Constable Dumeni from the Mondesa charge office added these crime figures are of great concern. “We want to bring safety and security into every household, but this is not possible without the assistance of the community.”
We therefore urge the community to join forces with Nampol and form a neighbourhood watch. We need the community to be the ears and eyes of Nampol and help fight crimes”.
It was further explained to members of the community at the meeting that joining neighbourhood watch programs have benefits.
You gain safety skills, have an opportunity to work with the Namibian patrols, for in-stance joining night anti-crime patrols and you make a difference by reducing crime in your direct area.
Neighbourhood Watch is a voluntary program and nobody is forced to join. However, it works in the best interest of the community as it helps to reduce crimes.
According to constables Kaujova and Dumeni there is a direct relationship between the reduction of crime in Tamariskia, Vineta and town and the formation of neighbourhood watch groups in these areas.
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