Usakos Community Hall revamped
Sharlien Tjambari
Orano Engine One Stop Service Station in collaboration with Erongo Marine Enterprises handed over the newly revamped townhall in Usakos, the Hakhaseb Community Hall on Friday, 2 August.
The once vandalised town hall in the mining and central services town now shines bright with a coat of rainbow colours. Erongo Marine Enterprises spent over N$200 000 to renovate the only town hall in Usakos. They did this as their way to give back to the community. Not only was the town hall painted, it was totally revamped on the inside also. The bathroom, back-stage rooms, windows and ceilings were all fixed within a time-span of one week. A team from Aveng Coastal Construction was set out to do the fencing and interlocks this past week. The team will even plant some trees. The Managing Director of Erongo Marine Enterprises, Martha Umati appealed the community of Usakos to look after the refurbished town hall. “We wanted to have the hall ready for this weekend because of the Orano Engen One Stop Usakos Festival taking place. We also sponsored a total of N$50 000 towards the Soccer Tournament, it is our great privilege to bring joy to communities”, said Umati. The Chief Executive Officer of Usakos also witnessed the event and stated that initiatives like this bring hope and the community of Usakos must cherish the hall, look after it and make sure nobody vandalises it.
The Hakhaseb Community Hall was constructed in the early 1980’s.
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