Walvis at SAISA games

Rudi Bowe

The Walvis Bay Municipality participated with Netball, Golf, Darts, Volleyball, Pool sports teams and a 10 kilometer walk against 45 municipalities at the 2018 SAIMSA games in Eswatini Swaziland.

The teams that participated were Netball, Golf, Darts, Volleyball, Pool and a 10-kilometer walk.

The Pool team won the overall cup for pool but ended second in the singles section and third in the double section.

Netball and Golf ended 4th overall with the Darts and Volleyball teams lost in the Quarter finals. The 10 kilometer walk for Veterans Deputy Mayor Councillor Penelopy Martin, Yvonne Miller and Gustaff Nuya won Gold medals.

Councillor Penelopy Martin participated for the first time in her 52 years on earth participated in a sports event and won a gold medal for athletics 10km Veteran Category.

Her word after the event was “Done and dusted in Eswatini nogal up and down the mountains we serve an all mighty God and I thank Him for everything Yepaaaaaa I completed 10km marathon in Swaziland even though I am a cancer survivor with back problems because of slip disc I did it especially for all the women in the world, because with God anything is possible’.

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