Water got more expensive – again

The municipality of Swakopmund has increased the basic charges for water starting 1 May 2016 for both the town as well as the smallholdings.

The price increase of 10% was announced at the recent Town Council meeting.
According to the Agenda of the meeting, the municipality of Swakopmund received a letter from the national water utility NamWater, stating that a price increase will be implemented. In the letter signed by the NamWater Chief Financial Officer it is stated that the tariff for the Swakopmund Reservoir Scheme will be increased from N$8.75 per m³ to N$9.65 per m³. The increase came into effect in the beginning of the month. In another letter NamWater states that the bulk water price for the Rössing Reservoir Scheme will be increased from N$10.10 per m³ to N$11.10 per m³.
Subsequent to the above, Town Council decided to increase the basic water charges for its residents as follows: For Swakopmund, town residents will now have to pay N$83.70, marking an increase of N$7.20. The residents living on the smallholdings will pay N$8.00 more, bringing the basic charges up to N$95.30. In this price a meter fee of N$6.50 is included. Council further decided that all other supply points be increased as per the increases of NamWater.

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